Tuesday, July 31, 2007


Had my brother amputate my infected toe and a good portion of the instep of my foot. Nearly had to take to whole thing off. It has been tough getting around in the woods not being able to step with both feet. I rigged up a sling for my foot to hold it up behind me while I walk. I'm currently working on a prosthetic to replace the toe and tissue mass that I lost. Hopefully, this prosthetic will help me keep my balance on this turbulent forest floor. The piece is carved out of some cherry that was used to build some of the furniture in my cabin. I am articulating both the form the best I can to mimic the severed part. The large toe will be separate as well as an intermediate section, two portions of the instep will also be separately carved. The entire piece will then be bound together with some clock springs, which my brother will bring up soon, and monofiliment fishing line from my own reel. I thought about using the fiberglass rod as a flexing suspension of the individual pieces but I will wait to see it it is necessary. Mean while I spend most of my day cleaning the vacancy and wraping it with clean cotton rags.

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